Overnight to Long-Term Stays
Premium Dog Boarding
We are located on acreage at East Kurrajong in the Hawkesbury.
Needless to say we have more than enough space to allow our guests to have the time of their life.
Our Facilities
Purpose Built and Personal

Our facility features a large running area and 22 individual kennels. 12 of these are available to our furry guests year round with the remaining 10 serving as overflow for peak season and to house development dogs for government agencies.
We only house one dog per kennel which means we are able to maintain a trainer to dog ratio of 4 dogs to 1 trainer.

Limited kennels also ensure a calm, quality environment which allows us to give dogs of all temperaments a positive boarding experience.

Our guests have access to on and off leash running spaces, private walking tracks and our dam which provides refreshment for water loving dogs during the hotter summer months.

What is Included
Bring your dog, we take care of the rest!

Single Room Accommodation
Daily Meal (Hypro Premium Grainfree)
Daily Bush Walk (Mon-Fri)
Daily Photo Updates (Mon-Fri)
Access to Private Dam and Walking Tracks
Daily Health Check
Administration of non time-sensitive Medication
Owner Supplied Food
Live - In Staff
Daily Cleaning and Disinfecting
Supervised Access to 15 Acres​
Daily Enrichment
Mental Stimulation tailored to your Dog's Needs



Streamlined Rates
Boarding Pricing
Off Season
all days that are not during School Holidays or Peak Season
School Holidays
all days during School Holidays including Weekends
Peak Season
a set time over Easter, Christmas and New Year as well as Public Holidays
Add Ons
express interest at time of booking
20min Herding Outlet
available Mon/Tue/Wed
adds genetic fulfilment to your dog's boarding stay
* herding breeds ONLY
20min Puppy Outlet
available Mon - Fri
adds basic training to your puppy's stay
* under 6 Months
20min Engagement and Play Outlet
available Mon - Fri
adds play and marker training
* 6 Months +
20min Scent Training
available Mon/Tue
adds work towards scent detection training
* must have established Marker
Video Updates
available Mon - Fri
changes your dog's updates from Photo to Video Updates
Weekend Update Package
available Sat/Sun
adds a Walk and an Update to your dogs Sat or Sun​

we train your dog - then we train you
Board and Train
The Basics
All dogs are started on the basics. We assess the baseline they are at and start working with them based on what knowledge they present with when they first start working with us.
All training works towards goals you as the owner would like to achieve.
Dog Specific Training
Depending on the dog and training needed, we continue to concentrate on tailored aspects to help where needed.
Please be aware that specific training beyond the basics around obedience requires attendance to our 3 week package.
And much more...
How it Works
Packages and Return Options

To start working with you and your dog through our Board and Train Option we do require your dog to attend one of our Board and Train Packages.
​This makes sure we can allow for the time to get to know your dog, let it settle in and start training towards your goals without overwhelming it.
It also allows us to start creating new patterns and habits through consistent and clear communication.
We would like everyone interested in this service to consider that shaping a dog's habits is very similar to shaping our own habits. One repetition will not allow a human to form a lifelong habit, we have to practice continuously to become good at something. Our canine companions are the same and therefore we have developed our Packages to suit different goals, breeds and temperaments.
Packages include a Handover and a set amount of Follow Ups. Additional Follow Ups can get added if needed. Handovers and Follow Ups are designed to train you as the handler of your dog to be able to maintain training in your home environment. This is the most vital puzzle piece for the training to be successful long term.
Once we have trained with your dog and you had the chance to learn how to maintain training we offer a Return Board and Train Option.
This means if you need to board your dog with us for any reason and for any amount of days you can upgrade the stay to Return Board and Train so we can keep up the consistency and train your dog further while you are away.
At this point it is viable for us to welcome your dog back for a shorter stay as your dog knows our environment, knows our routine and will be happy to pick up training where we left off.

Two Options to Suit your Needs
Board and Train Packages
2 Week Package
Suited to:
Not Suited to:
young dogs 6 months +
1-2 simple obedience topics
unestablished habits
resource guarding
well established habits
1x 2hr Handover
1 x 1-2hr Follow Up
Daily Photo Updates Mon - Fri
Daily Training Mon - Fri
Weekend Supervised Fun and Recess Time
Handover Folder with Summary and Training Booklet
Ongoing Support (run things past us or get in touch if you are struggling)
Single Room Accommodation
Daily Meal
Daily Bush Walk Mon - Fri
Live - In Staff
Administration of Simple Medication
3 Week Package
Suited to:
Not Suited to:
resource guarding
well established habits
dogs under 6 months
wanting to stop digging and chewing in your home environment​
initial toilet training
1x 2hr Handover
2 x 1-2hr Follow Up
Daily Photo Updates Mon - Fri
Daily Training Mon - Fri
Weekend Supervised Fun and Recess Time
Handover Folder with Summary and Training Booklet
Ongoing Support (run things past us or get in touch if you are struggling)
Single Room Accommodation
Daily Meal
Daily Bush Walk Mon - Fri
Live - In Staff
Administration of Simple Medication
While 2 or 3 Weeks are our minimum stay length for new guests, we can accommodate stays longer than the length of a Package if needed. Please let us know at time of booking if you are looking for a longer stay and we can work out a customised training plan from there.
Return Board and Train
upon completion of a package you will be eligible for return rates